民营公司 少于50人 制药/生物工程
民营公司 少于50人 制药/生物工程
Reciproca Pharma 北京睿熙生物科技有限公司 睿熙医药由几位志同道合的创业者成立于2013年。我们的企业以回馈社会,造福民众为宗旨,针对现阶段尚不存在特异有效治疗手段的疾病,进行国际前沿水平的创新药物研究,致力于以高度靶向性药物延长患者生命并提高患者的生活质量,Reciproca Pharma was created in 2013 by a small group of founders sharing the same vision. We consider the company as our ways of repaying our country and people who have made us who we are today. We are focusing on diseases that currently lack effective treatments. In particular, we are developing highly targeted novel medicines to achieve both extension of patients’ life spans as well as improvement of their quality of life. 我们的理念:Our Philosophy 以扎实的基础研究和对药物作用机制的探讨支持新药的研发;以生物、化学为主导的基础研究与药学和医学紧密联系;坚持以病人的需要指导并调整我们的研究方向。开发特异性强,副作用小的新药;做中国创造,而不仅是中国制造的新药。Develop novel drug candidates with solid basic research and in-depth study of the mechanism of action; Integrate biology, chemistry with pharmaceutical and clinical research; Guide by clear, unmet medical needs. Here in Reciproca Pharma, we are committed to the development of highly targeted drugs with mitigated side-effects; drugs that are Created-in-China, not just Made- in-China.